Friday 1 June 2012

How To Change The Icon Of A .EXE File

AsSaLaM-0-ALaiKuM Friends  ZaRyAb is Here Today i show you How to change The icon of a exe file 1. Download and extract Resource Hacker. You can find Resource Hacker at their official site here - Click Here TO Download

2. Open Resource Hacker (ResHacker.exe)

It should look like this:

[Image: 70591419.jpg]

3. Click File - Open

[Image: 49529247.jpg]

4. Browse and find the file that you want the icon changed on. Click on it, then select Open. For my tutorial, I will be using server.exe

[Image: 79487979.jpg]

5. Now click Action - Replace Icon...

[Image: 12453166.jpg]

6. Click Open file with new icon...

[Image: 90115117.jpg]

7. Browse for the Icon File or Exe File that you would like to set the new Icon as. Select the file and then click Open. For my tutorial, I will be using the Pandora Radio Icon.

[Image: 54707557.jpg]

8. Now click Replace

[Image: 76233996.jpg]

9. Finally click File - Save

[Image: 83146596.jpg]

10. Your file should now have the new icon you selected as shown below:

[Image: 77586100.jpg]

You have now sucessfully changed the icon of the file you wanted!
Remember me in your prayers........


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